LINKS | the point | music | infinity exhibit | VERSE... | Haiku | required understanding | Absolutely Nothing | transience | something to leave with


Peter Martin

here are some of the things that i've managed to get down.
will change periodically:


? who better ?

Left something behind in my little room
of course it was mine
But long ago I decided to give
it to you
Don't ask me why but I just
don't feel like I need
It anymore and who better in the
world to have it then you
One of these days you'll forgive
me for changing everything

my candle

Flickering just to try
and stay alive
Surrounded by everything
Caving in by burning
It goes on
a special beauty is
attached to this moment
Where it comes so close
Where everything that has
happened lays claim to
one moment
And every following moment
depends on this

Flicker on my candle
I love your light

on love:

A desperate hand grasped
by a sharing of soul
Longing to undeniably feel
through numberless situations
To live inside of that
look and to forever hold
it dear
Wishing to breath once more
Hoping with all powers &
being for just a sense that
you are near
With pureness conveyed all
the while words never formed
Self released but
not taken
A cool breeze will arise
to remind
How the days are not long enough
so in dreams I made more
So close, description as games to
define a moment
Only shared until there is no
until in this
Gracious meeting appears
as forgotten past intertwined with
episodes of forever knowing
Deep into your soul I will
rise to awaken all that
you are
No longer stop to
normal limits of regular
Because Love in every sense
and I will be with you
Rarely freedom to view
Let alone float
Compromise of Surprise allows
for honest love
Once open never closed again

Belief in Writing

Lame babble infuses every second of a day or days depending on how you choose to see the picture
Inside & outside it exists in both although sometimes I can pretend really hard & almost block the sounds out or even dream that it's not real but my reality is based on running from all the crazy talk that people take for granted on a daily basis because frankly they don't believe in writing & i guess neither do i...


Tired of the Cries
Tired of the Pain
Tired of the Rudeness
Tired of the Blame
Tired of the Fakers
Tired of the Mean
Tired of the Lies
Tired of the Scene
Tired of the Pictures
Tired of the Words
Tired of the Comments
Tired of the Herds
of the people who always follow
everything that they are told
I'm tired of being tired
and all who out they sold

chance to dream

Late nights create
Multitudes of voices
Calling out the names
of the Moon lit positions
Grabbing for some peace
To get the chance to Dream

C ausing
H ating
O verwhelming
I ndecision
C ause
E veryone hates a liar who lies to himself


Like a phrase
Built by a child
Holding no meanings
or mal intent
Only words that
Have meaning
inside a mind

Lost into thin air
Magic of days
No longer with a
Sparkle just as
long as Apathy
Controls our dreams

A walk with a friend
Who's existence is
Based on imagination
Just like the real
world but their
Importance pretends
to be reality

Captured with ease
When necessity is
Abandoned & founded
of those feelings that
people wish to
hold on to

Moves nowhere
Concerned with causing
Problems to those who
get wrapped up in
Semantics like
Spaghetti noodles

Doesn't even have
To be right with a
Capital R because that
would indicate a Wrong
Which would definitly
Ruin everything

A lasting wind blowing
Through the hair
Of our own collective
Hopes and dreams
longing for the day
To emerge anew

copyright peter martin, 2000